Welcome to the Marple Website

Contact Person: Terry Cowling or Neil Dainty
Address: Navigation Pub, Stockport Road,
Area: Marple
Town: Stockport
Phone: 07517 343846 / 07870 141191
Website: Marple Chess Blog Page
Email: Please use details on Blog Page

Welcome to Marple & District Chess Club Page!

Marple Chess ClubChess, despite being one of the world's oldest, is a wonderful and exciting game that can provide endless opportunities for enjoyment and excitement. Chess is played by people of all ages and its educational value is widely recognised. The game knows no social, ethnic or political boundaries - the people who participate just need to enjoy pitting their wits against one another and of course having a friendly chat afterwards. Another good thing about chess is that it must be one of the least expensive games to participate in!

It is essential to join a chess club in order to enjoy chess to the full, although chess can be enjoyed in many other ways as well including solving chess problems, playing against chess programs and playing people from all over the world via the Internet.


The club plays at The Navigation Inn, 9 Stockport Road, Marple, Stockport, SK6 6BD.

Marple Chess Club


The club meets every Thursday evening. We start at 7:30 and finish at 11:00 but that doesn't mean that you have to be there for the whole time. You can arrive later and go earlier if you like, but chess does take time so allow enough for a few games.

So why not pop in for a pint, a friendly game or just to chat about chess generally. You can even do all three!

Marple Chess Club

The Club

The club is a friendly, fairly small one with around 20 members of all strengths, from beginner ("what's that funny move again?") to strong ("of course this ending's won!"). One of us is nominated each evening to be available to greet any new players who arrive on the night and everyone is made to feel very welcome – we won't drag you into a game straight away! We give advice and tuition to new starters or rusty players freely and will chat about all aspects of chess.

Marple Chess Club

Club competitions

We have a thriving in-house tournament which runs throughout the season with three trophies up for grabs, plus a chance to improve your national rating. One of them uses a handicap system which gives everyone a chance, and the others are straight one point for a win/ half point for a draw competitions. Other tournaments occur throughout the year.

Marple Chess Club

League chess

The club plays in the South East Lancashire Summer League, Stockport & District League and the Manchester League and we run several teams offering players of all standards competitive games. This means that everyone can play league chess if they choose.

The club have won trophies in each of the leagues especially the Stockport League with top division and cup success in consecutive seasons.

Members continue to improve their rating significantly, through league and club chess, which confirms that the club is still doing something right!

Marple Chess Club

Membership fees

The current cost of membership is only £20 per person per year. This covers cost and use of equipment, league fees, etc and also covers play during the summer. Basic tuition is at no extra cost.

New members are welcome and get their first seasons membership FREE. Juniors can also join the club free of charge.

Marple Chess Club

What next

If you want to find out more, come along to one of our club nights when you will be made very welcome. Alternatively, get in touch with:

Terry Cowling: 07517 343 846 / Neil Dainty: 07870 141 191

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