Welcome to the Marple Website
The Marple Directory

Marple Bridge and Mellor U3A

Contact Person: Membership Secretary
Address: St Paul's Church Hall,
Area: Compstall
Town: Stockport
Postcode: SK6 5HU
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are an association of retired people with a common interest in continued creativity and enquiry. We have many interest groups, including:- Apple iPad, Badminton, Bowling, Bridge Improvers, Canasta, CardCraft, Chess, Computer Group, Creative Writing, Crossword Compilation, Crown Green Bowling, Dancing, Dining Club, Family History, French Conversation, First Aid, Gardening Geology, History, History of Culture, Matinee Club, Music Appreciation, Outings, Painting, Photography, Play Reading, Poetry, Reading Groups, Rusty French, Spanish Conversation, Tai Chi, Table Tennis, Traditional Folk Music and Walking!

If you are interested in joining, you can be assured of a warm welcome. Come to our monthly general meeting or contact our Membership Secretary.

General Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in St Paul's, Compstall, in the Church Hall. Coffee is served from 10:00a.m. with the meeting starting at approx. 10:20a.m. Attendance fee is £1.00 for members and £1.50 for visitors.


Map Location:
Marple Places
