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Friends of Strines Station

Contact Person: Via web site contact form
Area: Strines, Marple
Town: Stockport

Friends of Strines Station is a group of local volunteers whose principle aims are:

  • to improve the appearance of Strines station and its surroundings so that the station has a more cared-for and welcoming atmosphere
  • to promote the use and appreciation of the station
  • to lobby for a better train service at the station

Friends of Strines Station represents individuals and businesses within the local area who have a genuine interest in ensuring that the station remains both operational and effective. In addition, members of the group also work to improve the station and the area around it through tidying, planting, maintenance and generally keeping an eye on the station and its surroundings. All members of Friends of Strines Station are volunteers and we are always looking for new members to get involved and lend a helping hand!

Map Location:
Marple Places
